Today is what You call a slow day in the locksmith business. The level of calls were low, and the ones that did come were not fruitful. These days come and go, it's a part of the deal.
There are two types of lockmsiths; the ones who make what they need and then stop answering their phone, and the ones who run their business like they're supposed to. They answer their calls during the normal hours, and actually call people back who leave messages for needing emergency locksmith service after hours. My company is the one that is run like it's supposed to be. But even then, there are those slow days. And enjoy them, because they are few and far between!
Luckily for me today, I happen to be a little under the weather. So today couldn't have been a more perfect day to be slow. I rested! I always have a mile long to-do list but today, I listened to my body and rested. Of coarse I still looked thru the truck, checked inventory, made a couple phone calls and did all the normal stuff you do when running a business but, all and all it was just a slow day, and that's ok!
When you learn to put your trust in God, your sense of security no longer leans on the false sense of comfort that financial gain brings. Of coarse we all like to know money is coming in, but just because money isn't coming in at that exact moment, doesn't mean your needs aren't being met. And alot of your wants too!
So I'll keep this brief to get back to enjoying the evening. In short sometimes you just have to slow down and smell the roses. Hope everyone had an awesome day!